Tibetan Prayer Flags

You’ve probably seen them crisscrossing the background of photographs showing mountain climbers in the Himalayas. Brightly coloured streamers of small fluttering flags have become synonymous with the Tibetan alpine landscape. These are prayer flags and they’ve been around for centuries. Many include traditional mantras of compassion and good fortune applied by means of carved wood blocks. According to The India Times, “It is said that they emit positive spiritual vibrations and that the prayers are carried by the wind like silent prayers.” Mountain climbers believe the flags look over them and bring good luck during their expeditions.

Prayer flags typically come in groups of five colours, each representing one of the five elements. Blue for the sky, white for the air and wind, red for fire, green for water and yellow for the earth. For full effect, the flags should constantly be in motion, helping to maintain a balance of health and harmony throughout the five elements.

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